Optimal investments for reducing energy consumption

SPACE is a specialized company providing energy solutions for the energy renovation of public and multi-residential buildings.

Our solutions include a thorough analysis of the current condition of the building, precise planning, and implementation of measures to improve energy efficiency.

Our Services

Development of pre-investment and investment studies

Preparation of complete project documentation

Programs for co-financing projects with non-refundable funds

Design and professional supervision of construction

Detailed calculations of financial and energy savings

Monitoring and verification of savings during the operation of the building

Pri projektiranju koristimo najnovija tehnološka rješenja koja omogućavaju visoku razinu energetske učinkovitosti i održivost.

Uvođenje inovativnih sustava za grijanje, hlađenje, ventilaciju i rasvjetu, koji značajno povećavaju uporabnu vrijednost objekata, ključno je za naš pristup. Naša strategija se temelji na primjeni optimalnih tehničkih rješenja prilagođenih specifičnostima svakog objekta, uzimajući u obzir potrebe i želje korisnika.

Zašto surađivati s nama?

Increase energy efficiency with innovative solutions for a sustainable future.

Collaborate with us

Our goal is not only to reduce energy consumption but also to increase user satisfaction by providing high-quality services and solutions that are economically justified and environmentally friendly.

Through careful monitoring and continuous optimization of electricity, heating, and cooling energy consumption, we strive to ensure long-term sustainability and cost-effectiveness for all our projects.

In our previous projects, we have successfully achieved energy consumption reductions through optimal investments.

We offer everything needed for project implementation, including the development of pre-investment and investment studies, complete project documentation, preparation of programs required for project co-financing through available non-refundable funds, design and professional supervision of construction, detailed calculations of financial and energy savings achieved through the implementation of energy efficiency measures, as well as monitoring and verification of savings during the building’s operation.

Vocational and Economic School, Varaždin

1. New windows and doors, glazing with double and triple insulated glass (IGU) with low-E coating, filled with argon in the interspace
2. Thermal insulation of walls – 15 cm expanded polystyrene (EPS)
3. Thermal insulation of the plinth – 10 cm extruded polystyrene (XPS)
4. Thermal insulation of the roof – 15 cm expanded polystyrene (EPS)
5. Thermal insulation of the roof – 20 cm soft mineral wool

Student Dormitory, Varaždin

1. New windows and doors, glazing with double and triple insulated glass (IGU) with low-E coating, filled with argon in the interspace
2. Thermal insulation of walls – 15 cm expanded polystyrene (EPS)
3. Thermal insulation of the plinth – 10 cm extruded polystyrene (XPS)
4. Thermal insulation of the roof – 20 cm soft glass wool

Construction, Natural Sciences, and Mining School, Varaždin

Optimize your farm with our cutting-edge automation solutions for enhanced efficiency and productivity.Optimize your farm with our cutting-edge automation solutions for enhanced efficiency and productivity.

Transformiramo energetsku učinkovitost inovativnim rješenjima i vrhunskim tehnologijama, oblikujući budućnost održive obnove zgrada.

Energy efficiency for a sustainable future

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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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SPACE is a company specializing in energy solutions for the energy renovation of public and multi-apartment buildings.

INVESTOR: S.P.A.C.E. for project development
PROJECT TITLE: Investment in digital marketing for S.P.A.C.E. Ltd. through the development of a website
PROJECT OBJECTIVE (PURPOSE): To contribute to increasing the digital maturity level of the Applicant through investment in digital marketing, which will ultimately enhance competitiveness by using digital technologies
PROJECT RESULTS: 1 digital marketing measure implemented, 1 website developed, increased competitiveness of the Applicant, 9 business processes improved, 1 employee trained in digital skills
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 05.02.2023. – 05.01.2025.
CONTACT PERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION: Marin Validžić, marin@space.com.hr
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